Simple, powerful and flexible site generation framework
with everything you love from Next.js.
Nextra automatically converts Markdown links and images to use Next.js Link and Next.js Image when possible. No slow navigation or layout shift.
[Learn more](/more)

<Link .../>
<Image .../>
Performant and reliable build-time syntax highlighting powered by Shiki.
Name your page files with locales suffixed, Nextra and Next.js will do the rest for you.
MDX 3 lets you use Components inside Markdown, with huge performance boost since v1.
Nextra indexes your content automatically at build-time and performs incredibly fast full-text search via FlexSearch.
Nextra respects system options
such as Increase Contrast and Reduce Motion.
You can leverage the hybrid rendering power from Next.js with your Markdown content including SSG, SSR, and ISR.
SEO / RTL Layout / Pluggable Themes / Built-in Components / Last Git Edit Time / Multi-Docs...
A lot of new possibilities to be explored.